Planung Sommersemester 2025
Datum | Name |
08.04.2025 | |
15.04.2025 | |
23.04.2025 | |
29.04.2025 | |
06.05.2025 | |
13.05.2025 | |
20.06.2025 | |
27.06.2025 | |
03.06.2025 | |
17.05.2025 | |
24.05.2025 | |
01.07.2025 | |
08.07.2025 | |
15.07.2025 |
Wintersemester 2024/2025
Datum | Name |
24.10.2024 | Niklas Rauchenberger M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Endpoint Geodesic Formulas for the Special Euclidean Group Abstract |
31.10.2024 | Dr. Ivan Solonenko (Universität Stuttgart) Classification of cohomogeneity-one actions on noncompact symmetric spaces Abstract |
07.11.2024 | Prof. Anand Dessai (Université de Fribourg) Manifolds with many different geometries of positive Ricci curvature Abstract |
14.11.2024 | Juan Manuel Lorenzo Naveiro M.Sc. (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) Totally geodesic submanifolds of nearly Kähler and G2manifolds Abstract |
21.11.2024 | Andreas Vermeiren M.Sc. (KU Leuven) Totally geodesic submanifolds of homogeneous CP^{2n+1} Abstract |
28.11.2024 | Dr. Tomás Otero Casal (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) Isometric actions on products Abstract |
05.12.2024 | Prof. Mustafa Kalafat (Universität Bonn) Minimal submanifolds and stability in Einstein manifolds Abstract |
12.12.2024 | Weihnachtsfeier Institut |
16.01.2025 online 16:00 |
Prof. Iskander Taimanov (Novosibirsk State University) The Weierstrass (spinor) representation of surfaces in 3- and 4-spaces Abstract |
23.01.2025 | |
30.01.2025 | Prof. Soma Ohno (Waseda University, Tokio) Rarita-Schwinger fields on manifolds with real Killing spinors Abstract |
06.02.2025 |
Sommersemester 2024
Datum | Name |
06.06.2024 | Dr. Alberto Rodríguez-Vázquez (KU Leuven) Generalizing fatness and positive curvature Abstract |
18.06.2024 | Prof. Víctor Sanmartín-López (University of Santiago de Compostela) Construction and description of new isoparametric hypersurfaces Abstract |
20.06.2024 | Prof. Dr. Linus Kramer (Universität Münster) An equation for the Riemann curvature tensor, strongly regular graphs, and finite fields Abstract |
25.06.2024 Sondertermin Dienstag |
Prof. Gregor Weingart (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Rozansky-Witten and Stable Curvature Invariants Abstract |
27.06.2024 | Institutsausflug |
08.07.2024 Sondertermin Montag |
Dr. Paul Schwahn (Université Paris-Saclay) Submersion constructions for geometries with parallel skew torsion Abstract |
Wintersemester 2023
Datum | Name |
23.11.2023 |
Frau Dr. Jordan Hofmann (University College London) Special Spinors and 3-Contact Geometries Abstract |
30.11.2023 | Jonas Henkel M.Sc. (Universität Marburg) Geometric and Spectral Aspects of the Aloff-Wallach Spaces Abstract |
07.12.2023 | Willem Guther B.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Raumzeiten mit zwei Schwarzschild-Schwarzen Löchern Abstract |
Dienstag 12.12.2023 17:30 Uhr |
Prof. Hans-Jakob Rivertz (NTNU Norwegen) Some aspects about the Riemannian Curvature and its covariant derivatives Abstract |
18.01.2024 |
Lorenz Jetter B.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) |
30.01.2024 | Dr. Matthias Wink (Universität Münster) Einstein Metrics on the ten-sphere Abstract |
Mittwoch 06.03.2024 |
Prof. Christoph Böhm (Universität Münster) Homogeneous Einstein metrics |
Sommersemester 2023
Datum | Name |
25.04.2023 | Ivan Solonenko B.Sc. (Kings College London) Homogeneous complex hypersurfaces in Hermitian symmetric spaces Abstract |
16.05.2023 | Prof. Anand Dessai (Universität Fribourg) Even dimensional manifolds which carry infinitely many geometrically distinct metrics of positive Ricci curvature |
13.06.2023 | Dr. Matthias Ludewig (Universität Regensburg) The spinor bundle on loop space Abstract |
20.06.2023 | Dr. Alberto Rodríguez Vázquez (KU Leuven) Totally geodesic submanifolds and Hopf fibrations Abstract |
22.06.2023 Sondertermin 10 Uhr online |
Prof. Kotaro Kawai (BIMSA Peking) Mirror of submanifolds and special holonomy online Abstract |
04.07.2023 | Prof. Claudio Gorodski (Universidade de São Paulo) A moment map for the variety of Jordan algebras Abstract |
18.07.2023 | Dr. Shubham Dwivedi (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Geometric flows of G_2 structures Abstract |
26.07.2023 Sondertermin |
Dr. Felippe Soares Guimarães (KU Leuven) On minimal intrinsically homogeneous submanifolds of the hyperbolic space up to codimension two Abstract |
Wintersemester 2022/2023
Datum | Name |
15.11.2022 | Gabriella Alexandra Clemente M.Sc. (Masaryk-Universität Brno / Tschechien) Interactions between almost-complex and Riemannian geometries through curvature Abstract |
10.01.2023 | Prof. Gregor Weingart (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Minimal Isometric Immersions into Spheres Abstract |
17.01.2023 | Prof. Maxim Smirnov (Universität Augsburg) Quantum cohomology of coadjoint varieties Abstract |
31.01.2023 Raum geändert: 8.122 |
Prof. Andreas Kollross (Universität Stuttgart) Isoparametric foliations on projective spaces Abstract |
07.02.2023 | Prof. Anna Siffert (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) Harmonic maps of ellipsoids Abstract |
Sommersemester 2022
Datum | Name |
31.05.2022 | Prof. Gregor Weingart (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Compact Kähler manifolds with nonnegative sectional curvature. Remarks on an argument of Alfred Gray Abstract |
21.06.2022 | Brice Flamencourt M. Sc. (Laboratoire de mathématiques d'Orsay | Université Paris-Saclay) Locally conformally product manifolds Abstract |
05.07.2022 | Dr. Giacomo Mezzedimi (Leibniz Universität Hannover) Topological entropy of automorphisms on algebraic surfaces Abstract |
07.07.2022 17:15 Sondertermin |
Dr. Andreas Vollmer (Politecnico di Torino) |
12.07.2022 | Dr. Benjamin Aslan (University College London) Associative Submanifolds in the Bryant-Salamon Space Abstract |
13.07.2022 14:00 Sondertermin |
Prof. Claudio Gorodski (Universidade de São Paulo) Lecture Series "Topics in Polar Actions" Part 1: Polar actions Abstract |
14.07.2022 18:00 Sondertermin |
Prof. Claudio Gorodski (Universidade de São Paulo) Lecture Series "Topics in Polar Actions" Part 2: Orbifold points Abstract |
15.07.2022 16:00 Sondertermin |
Prof. Claudio Gorodski (Universidade de São Paulo) Lecture Series "Topics in Polar Actions" Part 3: Variationally complete actions Abstract |
26.07.2022 11:00 Sondertermin |
Prof. Claudio Gorodski (Universidade de São Paulo) A diameter gap for isometric quotients of the unit sphere Abstract |
Datum | Name |
02.11.2021 |
Paul Schwahn M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) |
09.11.2021 | Dr. Panagiotis Konstantis (Universität Gießen) Geometric structures on Eschenburg's Pseudoflag Abstract |
16.11.2021 | Dr. Gregor Weingart (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Rozansky-Witten-Invariants for Quaternionic Kähler Manifolds Abstract |
21.12.2021 | Jann van der Meer, M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) The laws of black hole thermodynamics from a mathematical viewpoint Abstract |
11.01.2022 |
Apl. Prof. Andreas Kollross (Universität Stuttgart) |
19.01.2022 16:15 Sondertermin |
Dr. Emilio Lauret (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina) On the stability of homogeneous standard Einstein manifolds Abstract |
08.02.2022 |
Brice Flamencourt (Laboratoire de mathématiques d'Orsay | Université Paris-Saclay) |
Datum | Name |
27.04.2021 online |
Alberto Rodríguez-Vázquez M.Sc. (University of Santiago de Compostela) Totally geodesic submanifolds in 3-plane real Grassmannians Abstract |
Datum | Name |
07.07.2020 16:15 |
Viviana Jorgelina del Barco Ph. D. (Université Paris‐Saclay) Symmetric Killing 2-tensors on 2-step nilpotent Lie groups Abstract |
02.07.2020 16:00 WebEx |
Paul Schwahn, M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Einstein deformations on homogeneous spaces Abstract |
16.06.2020 16:15 |
Dr. Andreas Vollmer (University of New South Wales/Sydney) Conformally superintegrable systems and the conformal equivalence of superintegrable systems Abstract |
29.05.2020 14:00 |
Dr. Andreas Vollmer (University of New South Wales/Sydney) A geometric approach to second-order superintegrable systems I |
26.05.2020 14:00 |
Dr. Andreas Vollmer (University of New South Wales/Sydney) A geometric approach to second-order superintegrable systems II |
Datum | Name |
12.11.2019 | Dr. Paul Andi Nagy (Universität Stuttgart) The Kähler geometry of the Weinstein construction Abstract |
19.11.2019 | Changliang Wang, PhD (McMaster University, Canada) On the linear instability of some Einstein metrics Abstract |
26.11.2019 | Dr. Davide Veniani (Universität Stuttgart) Free involutions on ihs manifolds Abstract |
17.12.2019 | Priv.-Doz. Dr. Fernando Galaz-García (KIT Karlsruhe) Smooth 2-torus actions on the 5-sphere Abstract |
07.01.2020 | Dr. Ursula Ludwig (Universität Duisburg-Essen) An Extension of a Theorem by Cheeger and Müller to Spaces with Isolated Conical Singularities Abstract |
14.01.2020 | Prof. Lorenz Schwachhöfer (Universität Dortmund) Lagrangian submanifolds in strict nearly Kähler 6-manifolds Abstract |
20.01.2020 16 Uhr Sondertermin |
Dr. Mark Hamilton (Universität Stuttgart) A lift of the Seiberg-Witten equations to Kaluza-Klein 5-manifolds Abstract |
13.02.2020 Sondertermin |
Prof. Iskander Taimanov (Novosibirsk State University) Spectral problems related to the magnetic Laplacian Abstract |
Datum | Name |
21.03.2019 | Dr. Davide Veniani (Universität Mainz) K3- und Enriques-Flächen: Geschichte eines Zusammenhangs Abstract |
09.04.2019 | Dr. Panagiotis Konstantis (Universität Stuttgart) Symplectic and Kähler structures on biquotients Abstract |
16.04.2019 | Priv.-Doz. Dr. Anda Degeratu (Universität Stuttgart) Towards constructing constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics on elliptic surfaces Abstract |
30.04.2019 | Dr. Ioannis Chrysikos (University of Hradec Králové, Tschechien) Homogeneous 8-manifolds admitting invariant Spin(7)-structures Abstract |
21.05.2019 | Prof. Takashi Sakai (Metropolitan University Tokyo) Orbits of Hermann actions and symmetric triads Abstract |
28.05.2019 | Dr. Reinier Storm (KU Leuven) Structure theory of naturally reductive spaces Abstract |
25.06.2019 geänderte Uhrzeit 16:45 Uhr |
Dr. Paul-Andi Nagy (ICUB, Bucharest) Complex Riemannian Foliations of Open Kähler Manifolds Abstract |
02.07.2019 | Dr. Markus Upmeier (Universität Augsburg) Orientation problems for PDEs and instanton moduli spaces Abstract |
16.07.2019 | Deborah Fraas (Universität Stuttgart) Die Eguchi-Hanson-Metrik Abstract |
25.07.2019 Sondertermin 16 Uhr |
Dr. Oscar Macia (Unversidad de Valencia) Geometric c-map on Kähler Lie groups Abstract |
26.07.2019 Sondertermin 11 Uhr |
Prof. Claudio Gorodski (Universidade de São Paulo) Actions on positively curved manifolds and boundary in the orbit space Abstract |
Datum | Name |
09.10.2018 Sondertermin 11 Uhr |
Prof. Claude LeBrun (State University of New York at Stony Brook) Anti-Self-Dual 4-Manifolds, Quasi-Fuchsian Groups, and Almost-Kähler Geometry |
23.10.2018 | Hannah Braun B.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Polare Wirkungen auf der Cayley-hyperbolischen Ebene Abstract |
30.10.2018 | Dr. Sam Hagh Shenas Noshari (Universität Stuttgart) On the equivariant cohomology of isotropy actions Abstract |
06.11.2018 | Ernest Keib M.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Gravitational Waves in the Presence of Cosmological Constant Abstract |
13.11.2018 | Dr. Tillmann Jentsch (Universität Stuttgart) Jacobi relations on six-dimensional homogeneous nearly Kähler manifolds Abstract |
19.11.2018 abweichender Termin |
Dr. Milena Wrobel (MPI Leipzig) Cox rings and T-varieties Abstract |
20.11.2018 | Dr. Emma Carberry (University of Sydney, Australia) Toroidal Soap Bubbles: Constant Mean Curvature Tori in S³ and R³ Abstract |
27.11.2018 | Giovanni Russo, M.Sc. (Aarhus University) Nearly Kähler six-manifolds with two-torus symmetry Abstract |
04.12.2018 | Dr. Panagiotis Konstantis (Universität Stuttgart) Quaterionic line bundles, SU(2)-structures and the first cohomotopy group of spin 5-manifolds Abstract |
11.12.2018 | Dr. David Lindemann (Universität Hamburg) Properties of the moduli space of complete connected projective special real manifolds Abstract |
18.12.2019 | Dr. Marcos Origlia (KU Leuven NL) Locally conformally symplectic structures on Lie algebras and solvmanifolds Abstract |
08.01.2019 | Prof. Gregor Weingart (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Einstein-Metriken auf homogenen Räumen Abstract |
15.01.2019 | Mona Fischer B.Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) Homogene Einstein-Mannigfaltigkeiten Abstract |
22.01.2019 | Prof. Uwe Semmelmann (Universität Stuttgart) Der Rarita-Schwinger Operator auf Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten |
29.01.2019 |
Faye Ried B. Sc. (Universität Stuttgart) |
Datum | Name |
17.04.2018 | Dr. Nicolina Istrati (Paris Diderot University) Existence criteria for locally conformally Kahler metrics Abstract |
24.04.2018 | Dr. habil. Manuel Amann (Universität Augsburg) Orbifolds with all geodesics closed Abstract |
15.05.2018 | Prof. Theodoros Vlachos (University of Ioannina, Greece) Minimal immersions and relative nullity Abstract |
05.06.2018 | Dr. Panagiotis Konstantis (Philipps-Universität Marburg) The existence of almost complex structures on manifolds Abstract |
19.06.2018 | Prof. Martin Guest (Waseda University, Tokyo) The tt*-Toda equations Abstract |
26.06.2018 | Prof. Oliver Goertsches (Philipps-Universität Marburg) Locally conformally symplectic convexity Abstract |
03.07.2018 | Prof. Oscar Macia (Universidad de Valencia) Twist Geometry of the C-map and HK/QK correspondence Abstarct |
10.07.2018 | Danu Thung, M.Sc. (Universität Hamburg) (Amost) complex geometry of G2 flag manifolds Abstract |